Harmonia Sacra Index of First Lines

A poor wayfaring Man of grief 264
Abide with me fast falls the eventide 354
Afflicted saint to Christ draw near 55a
Again the day returns of holy rest 233
Ah guilty sinner ruin'd by transgression 232b
Alas and did my Savior bleed 114a
All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name 108b
Almighty Maker God how wondrous 394b
Along the banks where Babel's current 332b
Am I a soldier of the cross 86a
Amazing grace how sweet the sound 115
And let this feeble body fail 302a
And can it be that I should gain 182a
And must this body die 361a
And is the gospel peace and love 386b
And am I only born to die 171
Angels roll the rock away 166a
Arise my soul arise 188b
Arise arise with joy survey 78a
Arise my tend'rest thoughts arise 63b
As on the cross the Savior hung 316b
Awake my soul and with the sun 76b
Awake my soul in joyful lays 268b
Awake awake the sacred song 86b
Awake Jerusalem awake 73b
Awake awake the sacred song 383b
Awaked by Sinai's awful sound 166b
Be joyful in God all ye lands 332a
Before Jehovah's awful throne 374
Begone unbelief my Savior is near 194b
Behold the lofty sky 134a
Behold what wondrous grace 341
Behold the glories of the Lamb 90a
Behold the Savior of mankind 102b
Beyond where Cedron's waters flow 376
Bless O my soul the living God 61b
Bless'd comforter divine whose rays 382b
Bless'd are the sons of peace 127a
Blessed be the Lord God 270
Blest Jesus source of grace divine 79b
Blest Jesus when my soaring thoughts 103
Blest are the humble souls that see 80a
Blest Comforter divine 143b
Blest be the tie that binds 140a
Blow ye the trumpets blow 387
Bright as the sun's meridian blaze 55b
Broad is the road that leads to death 54b
Burst ye emerald gates and bring 234b
By cool Siloam's shady rill 251
Children of the heav'nly King 235
Come gracious Spirit heavenly Dove 75
Come ye sinners poor and needy 390a
Come let us anew our journey pursue 232a
Come children of Zion and help 200a
Come ye that love the Savior's name 92
Come all who love my Lord and Master 242a
Come ye disconsolate where-e'er 228a
Come we that love the Lord 131a
Come thou Fount of every blessing 151
Come all ye saints of God 216b
Come let us join our friends above 311
Come humble sinner in whose breast 310a
Come children learn to fear the Lord 117b
Come weary souls with sins distrest 380a
Come thou Almighty King 217a
Come let us now forget our mirth 99b
Come away to the skies 219
Come gracious Spirit heav'nly Dove 397
Come O thou traveler unknown 183
Dark and thorny is the desert 156a
Daughter of Zion awake from thy sadness 221
Daughter of Zion from the dust 87a
Day of Judgment day of wonders 173b
Dear Savior we are thine 142b
Depth of mercy can there be 160a
Depth of mercy can there be 365b
Descend from heaven immortal Dove 250
Destruction's dangerous road 132b
Did Jehovah but design me 371
Do this and remember the blood 340b
Do not I love thee O my Lord 317
Draw nigh to us Jehovah 396a
Drooping souls no longer grieve 239
Early my God without delay 124b
Earth has engross'd my love too long 284b
Ere I sleep for every favor 243
Eternal source of joys divine 121a
Far from my thoughts vain world 252
Far as thy name is known 134b
Farewell farewell farewell my friends 255
Farewell mother Jesus calls me 316a
Farewell my dear brethren 199
Father now the day is passing 352b
Father I long I faint to see 261
Father how wide thy glories shine 280
Father of mercies in thy word 93a
Father I stretch my hands to thee 89a
Father I long I faint to see 122a
From every stormy wind that blows 69b
From deep distress and troubled thoughts 60b
From Greenland's icy mountains 369
From thee my God my joys shall rise 117a
From Greenland's icy mountains 206
Give to the winds thy fears 139
Give to our God immortal praise 63a
Glorious things of thee are spoken 366
Glory to God on high 398
Glory to thee my God this night 380b
Go when the morning shineth 208
Go to thy rest my child 125b
Go preach my gospel saith the Lord 249
God is a name my soul adores 377
God of my life look gently down 85b
God moves in a mysterious way 99a
God of my salvation hear 213
Grace 'tis a pleasing sound 337
Great God indulge my humble claim 74b
Great is the Lord our God 138a
Great God let all our tuneful pow'rs 370b
Guide my O thou great Jehovah 180
Hail all hail blest Sabbath morning 174a
Hail Sov'reign love that first began 77b
Hail the blest morn when the great 227a
Hail to the Lord's Anointed 207
Hail to the brightness of Zion's 227b
Hail the day that saw him rise 273
Hail my ever blessed Jesus 147b
Hail thou once despised Jesus 152b
Hail to the Lord's Anointed 206
Happy the soul that lives on high 88b
Hark what mean those holy voices 149
Hark how the gospel trumpet sounds 224a
Hark ten thousand harps and voices 218a
Hark hark the notes of joy 186b
Hark the voice of love and mercy 174b
Hark hark the gospel trumpet sounds 224b
Hark my soul it is the Lord 163
Hark how the watchmen cry 138b
Hark from the tombs a doleful sound 110
Hasten Lord the glorious time 162a
He dies the Friend of sinners dies 56a
He's gone the spotless soul is gone 351
Head of the Church triumphant 236b
Hear the chiming of the bells 272
Hear the royal proclamation 282b
Hear gracious God my humble moan 378
Hearts of stone relent relent 215
High in yonder realms of light 241
High in the heav'ns eternal God 64a
Hither ye faithful haste with songs 230a
Holy Jesus lovely Lamb 159
Holy Father thou hast taught me 155
Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabaoth 274
Hosanna to the Prince of light 108a
House of our God with cheerful 223
How happy is the pilgrim's lot 169
How beauteous are their feet 140b
How pleasant and divinely fair 66b
How blest the righteous when he dies 71a
How beautiful the sight 191
How heavy is the night 132a
How lovely how divinely sweet 70b
How gentle God's commands 145b
How sweet to reflect on those joys 220
How charming is the place 339
How are thy servants bless'd O Lord 111b
How blest is our brother bereft 201
How sweet and awful is the place 284a
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 88a
How shall the young secure their hearts 87b
How tedious and tasteless the hours 200b
How pleasant thus to dwell below 260
How firm a foundation ye saints 196a
How did my heart rejoice to hear 105a
I have set watchmen upon thy walls 353
I love thy kingdom Lord 348
I lift my soul to God 128b
I am the Rose of Sharon 355
I love to stay where my mother sleeps 343
I send the joys of earth away 56b
I am the Savior I th' Almighty God 222
I my Ebenezer raise 157
I love to steal awhile away 93b
I would not live always 196b
I beheld and lo a great multitude 296
I'll speak the honors of my King 106a
I'll bless the Lord from day to day 94a
If life's pleasures charm thee 244a
In seasons of grief to my God 350
In mercy Lord remember me 112a
In the floods of tribulation 176b
Is this the way my Father 360
Is there a time when moments flow 72b
Is this the kind return 131b
Jerusalem my happy home 91
Jerusalem my glorious home 333
Jesus thy boundless love to me 368
Jesus my Savior let me be 81
Jesus full of all compassion 150a
Jesus I my cross have taken 150b
Jesus thou art the sinner's Friend 109a
Jesus dear name how sweet it sounds 61a
Jesus my Savior Brother Friend 70a
Jesus lives my trust secure 370a
Jesus' precious name excels 367b
Joy to the world the Lord is come 97
Joyfully joyfully onward I move 345
Lamb of God whose bleeding love 352a
Let every creature join to bless 187
Let every creature join to praise 129b
Let every mortal ear attend 113
Let me go the day is breaking 338a
Let sinners take their course 144a
Let me go where saints are going 277
Let Zion and her sons rejoice 104a
Let thy grace Lord make me lowly 340a
Light of those whose dreary dwelling 154b
Like Noah's weary dove 275a
Lo he comes with clouds descending 178b
Lo round the throne at God's right hand 59b
Lo God is here let us adore 185
Lo what a pleasing sight 146b
Lo the heav'ns are breaking 285
Lord we come before thee now 322
Lord, 'tis an infinite delight 381
Lord I approach thy mercy seat 124a
Lord dismiss us with thy blessing 314
Lord I cannot let thee go 393
Lord what a heaven of saving grace 384a
Lord in the morning thou shalt hear 391
Lord of the worlds above 192a
Lord what a feeble piece 127b
Loud hallelujahs to the Lord 269
Love divine all loves excelling 384b
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned 98a
Mary to the Savior's tomb 162b
Mary to the Savior's tomb 330
'Mid scenes of confusion 262
Mighty God while angels bless thee 156b
My Christian friends in bonds of love 308a
My God the Spring of all my joys 101
My Shepherd shall supply my need 95b
My God consider my distress 94b
My thoughts that often mount the skies 313b
My dear Redeemer and my Lord 82a
My Saviour my Almighty friend 388a
My friends I am going a long and tedious journey 362
My gracious Redeemer I love 202a
My soul thy great Creator praise 267
My God permit me not to be 388b
My soul would fain indulge a hope 299
My God how endless is thy love 79a
My Beloved wilt thou own me 153
My times are in thy hand 144b
My soul repeat his praise 141
My soul with joy attend 133a
My sorrows like a flood 129a
My God permit my tongue 126a
My God my life my love 125a
My dearest lovely native land 118
My God accept my early vows 74a
My God my portion and my love 123
My Savior and my King 135
My faith looks up to thee 216a
Nature with open volume stands 385
Nearer my God to thee 188a
No more dear Savior will I boast 65b
Not to our names thou only Just and True 301
Now let our souls on wings sublime 54a
Now let our mournful songs record 266
O my soul what means this sadness 179
O Zion afflicted with wave upon wave 198a
O bless the Lord my soul 126b
O for a thousand tongues to sing 302b
O thou that hear'st the prayer of faith 167
O praise ye the Lord 308b
O love the Lord 326
O land of rest for thee I sigh 379
O thou in whose presence my soul 211
O happy day that fixed my choice 58a
O joyful sound of gospel grace 116
O for a closer walk with God 112b
O in the morn of life when youth 111a
O sing to me of heav'n 228b
O thou to whose all-searching sight 58b
O tell me no more of this world's 234a
Often I seek my Lord by night 396b
Oh how happy are they 218b
Oh thou God of my salvation 173a
Oh thou whose tender mercy hears 119b
Oh where shall rest be found 142a
Oh that I could forever dwell 73a
Oh for a sweet inspiring ray 65a
Oh what shall I do my Savior to praise 192b
Oh all that pass by to Jesus draw near 193
Oh Thou that hear'st when sinners cry 389
Oh for a closer walk with God 383a
Oh could I speak the matchless worth 331
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand 328
On earth the song begins 190
On the mountain's top appearing 175
Once more my soul the rising day 106b
Once more before we part 231
One spark O God of heav'nly fire 172
Onward speed thy conq'ring flight 346a
Out on an ocean all boundless we ride 349
Out of the deeps of long distress 84a
People of the living God 158a
Plung'd in a gulf of dark despair 259
Praise ye Jehovah's name 217b
Praise to thee thou great Creator 154a
Praise the God of Israel 294
Praise God from whom all blessings flow 290
Precious Bible what a treasure 225
Raise your triumphant songs 392a
Religion 'tis a glorious treasure 248
Rise my soul and stretch thy wings 204
Rock of ages cleft for me 161a
Safely thro' another week 214b
Savior visit thy plantation 176a
Savior I do feel thy merit 148a
Savior Prince of Israel's race 214a
Say now ye lovely social band 268a
See how the rising sun 145a
See the fountain open'd wide 247
See the Lord of glory dying 230b
Shall wisdom cry aloud 128a
Shed not a tear o'er your friend's early bier 257
Shepherd divine our wants relieve 84b
Show pity Lord O Lord forgive 68b
Sing to the Lord ye heavenly hosts 100a
Sing hallelujah praise the Lord 256
Sing to the Lord ye distant lands 83a
Sinner art thou still secure 165b
Sinners turn why will ye die 165a
Sinners take the friendly warning 147a
Sinners oh why so thoughtless grown 67a
Sister thou wast mild and lovely 312b
Soldiers of the cross arise 242b
Sometimes a light surprises 209
Songs anew of honor framing 178a
Soon may the last glad song arise 69a
Stand up my soul shake off thy fears 62b
Star of peace to wand'rers weary 278b
Stop poor sinners stop and think 205
Sweet is the work my God my King 67b
Sweet as the shepherd's tuneful reed 279
Sweet the moments rich in blessing 148b
Teach me the measure of my days 121b
Tell me Savior from above 161b
That great tremendous day's approaching 240
That glorious day is drawing nigh 313a
That awful day will surely come 90b
The Savior O what endless charms 83b
The voice of my Beloved sounds 254
The Lord is ris'n indeed 146a
The morning light is breaking 210a
The voice of free grace cries 258
The chariot the chariot 282a
The Lord my pasture shall prepare 184
The ransom'd spirit to her home 265
The wond'ring world inquires to know 71b
The last lovely morning 246b
The Prince of salvation in triumph 372a
The earth is the Lord's 318
The Lord is ris'n indeed Hallelujah 304
The Savior's glorious name 344b
The Lord Jehovah reigns 289
The Lord the Sov'reign sends 238b
The Lord is great ye hosts of heav'n 373
There is a fountain fill'd with blood 109b
There is an hour of peaceful rest 245
There is an hour of hallow'd peace 283
There is an hour of peaceful rest 275b
There is a land of pure delight 307
There is a happy land 344a
There is a stream whose narrow tide 276
There is a pure and peaceful wave 76a
There is a house not made with hands 105b
There is a place where my hopes 324
These glorious minds how bright 119a
They have gone to the land 253
This is my Beloved his form is divine 210b
This is the day the Lord hath made 114b
Tho' troubles assail and dangers 194a
Thou whom my soul admires above 72a
Thou hidden love of God whose height 390b
Thou sweet gliding Kedron 198b
Thou only Sov'reign of my heart 82b
Though nature's strength decay 226
Thrice happy souls who born from heaven 100b
Thro' every age eternal God 66a
Thy life I read my dearest Lord 359
Thy mercy my God is the theme 392b
'Tis a point I long to know 160b
To us a Child of hope is born 303
To thy pastures fair and large 164b
To God the great the ever bless'd 53
To thy pastures fair and large 164a
To God the only wise 133b
To Jesus the crown of my hope 203
Today the savior calls 246a
Twas on that dark that doleful night 57b
Vain delusive world adieu 212
Wake the song of jubilee 347
Wake Wake Isles of the South 286
Watchman tell us of the night 281
Watchmen onward to your stations 346b
We plough the fertile meadows 325
Welcome welcome day of rest 238a
Welcome delightful morn 338b
Welcome sweet day of rest 130b
Well the Redeemer's gone 136a
What is our God or what his name 263
What wisdom majesty and grace 95a
What cheering words are these 136b
What shall I render unto the Lord 293
What happy men or angels these 64b
What's this that steals 236a
When Hannah press'd with grief 189
When quiet in my house I sit 181a
When I can read my title clear 300
When gloomy doubts and fears 365a
When gloomy doubts and fears 137
When on Sinai's top I see 312a
When thy mortal life is fled 367a
When our hearts are bow'd with woe 278a
When gath'ring clouds around I view 182b
When shall we meet again 244b
When all thy mercies O my God 96
When with my mind devoutly press'd 168
When thou my righteous Judge shalt come 170
When languor and disease invade 89b
When marshall'd on the nightly plain 323
When Jesus my Shepherd is near 372b
When at this distance Lord we trace 80b
When overwhelm'd with grief 386a
When shall thy lovely face be seen 78b
When I survey the wondrous cross 59a
When shall thy lovely face be seen 395
When thickly beat the storms of life 77a
Where is my Savior now 202b
Where is my God my joy my hope 181b
Where is my God does he retire 394a
While with ceaseless course the sun 310b
While my Redeemer's near 130a
While nature was sinking in stillness 342
While thee I seek protesting Pow'r 102a
While on the verge of life I stand 57a
Whither goest thou pilgrim stranger 152a
Who is this that comes from far 158b
Who is this fair one in distress 68a
Why shrinks my weak nature 197
Why doth the man of riches grow 98b
Wide ye heav'nly gates unfold 237
With joy we meditate the grace 107
With rev'rence let the saints appear 104b
Ye humble souls that seek the Lord 122b
Ye simple souls that stray 229
Ye servants of God your Master proclaim 195
Ye glitt'ring toys of earth adieu 120
Ye messengers of Christ 143a
Ye little flock whom Jesus feeds 85a
Ye that pass by behold the Man 62a
Ye nations round the earth rejoice 60a
Yes we trust the day is breaking 177
Yes the Redeemer rose 186a
Your harps ye trembling saints 361b
Your harps ye trembling saints 382a
Zion awake thy strength renew 329

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