2.\tThe reason that some questions answered were not indexed was that they were situational, for example, "What was your role during DSS?" asked of a particular major. It would have been possible to index the paraphrase, "What was Maj. Fulano de Tal's role during DSS?" This was not done strictly because of constraints on time.
3.\t"GTN" stands for "Global Transportation Network" and is an automation system used by units to request transportation services.
4.\tThe index concept editor described in the following text relies heavily on interface code written by Chris Wisdo, Richard Lynch, and Michael Engber.
5.\tThe M- prefix stands for MOP (Memory Organization Package). See Schank (1982).
6.\tThis also implies that there is a good deal of semantic similarity among target concepts. This would not be true if each target concept tended to be very different semantically from the other target concepts.
7.\tMore accurately, we need to retrieve target concepts when they carry an abstraction of an index concept referenced in the input text. See Chapter 4.
8.\tMore accurately, in the number of index concept sets created for target concepts; because this will be linear to the number of target concepts (at most a small multiple), we will talk in terms of the number of target concepts.